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The Benefits of Webcasting Your Capital Markets Day

The Benefits of Webcasting Your Capital Markets Day

The Benefits of Webcasting Your Capital Markets Day

Issuers need to maintain communication with investors and analysts, which is why they hold regular Capital Markets Day (CMD) events. 

Often held during quiet times of the year for investor relations, CMDs provide an opportunity for financial stakeholders to meet the senior team and gain insight into the company’s strategy and goals. This engagement is crucial for selling the organisation’s plans for creating shareholder value and encouraging new and continued investment. 

Although many companies hold CMDs solely for in-person attendees, webcasting the event provides a wide range of benefits and opportunities for issuers wanting to extend their reach. Company Webcast undertook research on the topic, which revealed some fascinating insights into how stakeholders view webcast CMDs. 


CMD webcast statistics

  • CMDs attract an average of 411 webcast viewers
  • 4x more investors and analysts watch the webcast than attend an in-person CMD
  • The average watch-time of a CMD webcast is 82 minutes
  • 67% of institutional investors listen to a company’s webcasts before considering a position.

Benefits of a CMD webcast

  • Webcasting broadens your reach to the financial community, with stakeholders able to watch wherever they are based, as well as being able to watch on-demand as well as live. 
  • You create a low threshold for participants to join the event because cost-conscious analysts and investors don’t have to book travel and accommodation to attend. 
  • All analysts and fund managers can gain access to the strategic information at the same time, regardless of location, availability and accessibility.
  • Webcasting events is current best practice for financial communication, meaning you show stakeholders that you are committed to forward-looking and progressive investor relations. 
  • Company Webcast’s platform provides a range of interactive tools, such as chat and polls, allowing you to create a more engaging experience for users. 
  • CMDs are also important sources of engagement for employees who can watch on-demand and gain a better understanding of the company’s corporate strategy. 

What to avoid

Holding a CMD in a solely in-person format can reduce the potential reach of your event. Company Webcast research shows that a physical event attracts just 43 attendees on average, compared with the 411 average viewers for a webcast event. 

Even if, as the research suggests, just over half of online viewers are employees, it still means that there are 2.3 times more investors and analysts watching online than in the room. And that increases to 4.2 times more when you factor in on-demand viewing. 


Live broadcast vs on-demand broadcast

Not all webcasts have to be live streams of your CMD. Some companies prefer to have their CMD as an in-person-only event, which they record and then post online afterwards. However, the statistics show that these types of events only attract an average of 141 viewers compared with the 411 for regular CMD webcasts. 

Options for your virtual Capital Markets Day

Format Explanation
On-demand only The CMD takes place in a physical location with only in-person attendees watching live. The company records the event and embeds it on their IR website later. This does not allow for ‘fair disclosure’ where all stakeholders discover the details of the meeting at the same time. 
Online only  The company runs the event at their office, one of Company Webcast’s state-of-the-art studios or another venue, but attendees can only access the meeting online.
Hybrid The company holds the event at a physical location, with some participants attending in person and others watching online. 


Webcasting CMD events is essential for organisations that want to extend the reach of their events, engage investors and ensure that all stakeholders access important information about the company’s strategy at the same time. Company Webcast’s research shows that webcast CMDs are a powerful tool for your business.

Read the 
full research paper and learn about some real-life case studies of European companies who took their CMDs online. 

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