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  • academy Academy

    Bespoke Training
    For Companies

    By working alongside our customers, Academy designs ad hoc learning paths to develop all those skills and innovative thinking required by a company to succeed and grow in today’s rapidly evolving capital markets.


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Define your individual learning path

Trainings for corporates created together with our clients

We collaborate closely with our clients - corporates, intermediaries, investment banks, and firms - to co-create all of our training services. These services can be customised to meet their specific needs, whether by designing new courses or adapting existing ones.  

In order to meet our clients' expectations, we actively engage our customers in every step of the course development process, which encompasses six essential phases.

Define your individual learning path

Experienced faculty members meet a variety of methodologies

The use of a variety of methodologies in our training programmes - lectures, workshops, on line, in-person and blended collaborative learning, is key to delivering dynamic learning with a strong practical core.

Our faculty members are highly experienced academics, thought leaders, practitioners and experts in a variety of topics:

  • Corporate Finance
  • Governance and Investor Relations
  • Financial Markets Regulation
  • ESG
  • Financial Markets and Instruments

CUSTOM training programmes

Build a customised training journey for your employees

Are you seeking to create a personalised internal training program that can enhance the skills of your employees and align with your compliance and organisational needs?

Discover our wide range of courses that cover capital markets, regulatory updates, and international corporate finance. Our expert practitioners deliver these courses, offering a one-of-a-kind learning experience.

Elevate your organisation's allure and empower your employees with meticulously crafted training programs.